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An international playboy, Henry was never short on women or intrigues.  His graduate career in NYC was marked by both well paid authorships for online publications, and a thorough bedding of most of his female classmates.

I just wanted to see if I could have her… and then a new one joined in the middle of the program- so naturally I wanted her too- because you know, of the newness of it all.

Present day Henry reminisced of his old conquests with the same boyish excitement that defined his demeanor throughout the years.

A lesbian; a Japanese news correspondent; and a suspected Russian CIA agent were among his intrigues. Henry had a vision of the world that attracted women, the intensity of such visions being that which made them addicted; as with his business dealings, Henry’s approach to romance involved bombastic declarations of intentions and extravagant meals out. To even the most cautious, Henry had perfected a lure that penetrated from the moment an Anglo accented “darling” escaped his often-smirking lips, accompanied by a jovial hand gesture that inevitably highlighted his gold, family crested pinky ring. For many years, to me, there was perhaps nothing more charming than experiencing these two components combined.